TRAVELComprehensive vs. Collision Insurance - Harry Levine Insurance

Comprehensive vs. Collision Insurance – Harry Levine Insurance

Need help understanding your coverage?

Let’s compare comprehensive vs. collision insurance.


When it comes to protecting your vehicle, having the right insurance can make all the difference. But with terms like “comprehensive” and “collision” being thrown around, it can get a little confusing.

What do they really cover? Do you really need both?

Let’s break down what each type of coverage offers, what factors impact your premiums, and why having both comprehensive and collision might just be a smart move. Let’s dive into the details, so you can feel confident about choosing the right coverage for your ride!


Comprehensive vs. Collision Insurance

Both comprehensive and collision insurance help cover damage to your vehicle—not damage caused to other vehicles or property (you’d need a property damage liability policy for that).

Collision insurance is designed to cover crashes with other objects, like another car, a guardrail, or even a tree. On the other hand, comprehensive insurance steps in for non-collision incidents, like hitting an animal (yes, that’s “Comp” too), weather-related damage, vandalism, or theft.

In short, collision is for accidents, while comprehensive covers some other unexpected events life throws your way.

car with damaged bumper from crashComprehensive vs. Collision Insurance – Harry Levine Insurance

What Does Collision Insurance Cover?

Collision insurance is designed to protect your vehicle when it’s involved in an accident, whether it’s with another car or a stationary object. Here’s a closer look at what it covers:

  • Crashes with another vehicle – Whether you hit another car or are hit by one, collision coverage helps with the repairs to your vehicle.
  • Colliding with objects – If you accidentally crash into a tree, fence, or even a mailbox, this coverage kicks in to help cover the damage.
  • Single-car rollovers – In the event of a rollover, even if no other vehicles are involved, collision insurance can help with the costs of getting your car back in shape.
  • Damage from potholes – Those unexpected bumps in the road can cause serious damage to your vehicle’s tires, suspension, or undercarriage, and collision insurance can help cover the repairs.

While collision coverage is focused on accidents, it’s important to remember that it won’t cover damages caused by other factors like theft or weather—those would be handled by comprehensive coverage.

thief with ski mask breaking into carthief with ski mask breaking into car

What Does Comprehensive Car Insurance Cover?

Comprehensive insurance protects your vehicle from a variety of non-collision-related incidents, often referred to as “acts of nature” or unexpected events. Here’s what comprehensive insurance typically covers:

  • Crashes with animals – If you hit a deer or squirrels eat your car’s wiring, comprehensive insurance helps cover the damage to your vehicle.
  • Objects falling onto your vehicle – Whether it’s a tree branch, hail, or something else falling onto your car, comprehensive insurance can help cover the repair costs.
  • Fire – If your car is damaged or destroyed by fire, comprehensive coverage can help with repairs or replacement.
  • Flood Damage – Water damage from floods or heavy rains can be expensive to fix, but comprehensive insurance covers these events.
  • Theft – If your vehicle is stolen, comprehensive insurance coverage helps reimburse you for the value of the car.
  • Vandalism – Damage caused by vandals, such as broken windows or graffiti, is also covered under comprehensive insurance.

In short, comprehensive insurance covers the unexpected situations that don’t involve another car or object—giving you peace of mind for a range of potential risks.


How Much Do Comprehensive and Collision Insurance Cost?

When it comes to pricing, collision insurance typically costs more than comprehensive auto insurance, but it’s common for people to purchase both together as part of what’s often called “full coverage car insurance.”

Here’s a breakdown of the key factors that influence the cost of each:

  • Deductible Amount – Comprehensive and collision are usually purchased as separate policies, you can choose different deductibles, which impact your premiums. A higher deductible means a lower monthly premium, but you’ll pay more out of pocket if you file a claim. You can adjust your deductibles for each policy to fit your budget.
  • Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost Value – Both comprehensive and collision coverage typically pay out based on the actual cash value (ACV) of your vehicle. This means that you will receive the current cash value of your vehicle (not how much you paid for it). This could leave you with less money than it would take to replace your car. If you want to cover the difference, consider gap coverage, which helps pay off your loan or lease if your car is totaled and the ACV payout doesn’t cover what you owe.

By purchasing both comprehensive and collision insurance, you’re protecting yourself from a wide range of risks—just keep in mind how deductibles and actual cash value can affect your out-of-pocket costs.

smiling couple in carsmiling couple in car

Do I Need Comp and Collision?

While comprehensive and collision insurance aren’t required by law, they might be mandatory if you’re leasing or financing your vehicle. Lenders often require these coverages to protect their investment in case something happens to the car.

Yet even if you own your vehicle outright and aren’t obligated to carry these policies, it’s still a good idea to consider them.

Think about how much your car is worth—without insurance, you’d have to cover the repair or replacement costs yourself, which can add up quickly if your car has a high value. Also, consider your daily driving habits. If you frequently encounter heavy traffic or challenging road conditions, your risk of being involved in an accident increases, making collision coverage an important safety net.

Additionally, even if you’re a careful driver, events beyond your control, like natural disasters or vandalism, can cause significant damage. Comprehensive insurance helps cover those unpredictable scenarios.

Ultimately, while not required, carrying both comprehensive and collision coverage can provide valuable protection and peace of mind.



While comprehensive and collision insurance may not be required by law, they offer crucial protection for your vehicle, whether it’s from accidents or unexpected events like vandalism or weather damage.

If you’re looking for the right coverage, Harry Levine Insurance can help!

As an independent insurance agency with over 30 years of experience in Central Florida, we can gather quotes from multiple carriers to find the best options for you. Our agents will also take the time to discuss your needs and build custom coverage that’s just right for your situation.

Contact Harry Levine Insurance today to get personalized quotes and the peace of mind you deserve.

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